The Hills community will once again be celebrating the survival of indigenous culture on Australia Day at the fifth annual Belgrave Survival Day event. This event acknowledges the indigenous perspective on the 230 years of European occupation of Australia, and celebrates the survival of the oldest living culture on the globe through live music, storytelling, traditional dance and craft.
The indigenous line up for this years event is -
*Upcoming Indigenous hip hop artists “Yung Warriors”
*Renowned singer Lou Bennett formerly of Tiddas
* Jindi Worobak Dance Group
* Traditional dancing and storytelling by Gnarnayarrahe Waitairie.
* Our MC for the day is Leila Gurruwiwi from the Marngrook Footy Show (Channel 31)
Activities and workshops will include a didgeridoo meditation, Aboriginal flag and badge making for kids, traditional basket weaving and a traditional dance workshop. We are also honoured to have Bill Nicholson Wurundjeri Elder perform a Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony and Aunty Dot Peters will also speak on the day. There will also be a range of indigenous craft stalls, bush tucker BBQ plus children’s activities such as The event is organised by a committee of volunteers and generously funded by the Yarra Ranges Council.
WHEN: 26TH January 2011
TIME: 12 PM- 4PM
WHERE: Borthwick Park (next to Belgrave Pool) Benson St, Belgrave Melways 75/F11