The Thin Green Line Foundation and Victorian rangers Association present World ranger day August 6 2011.
The night will feature music by the legendary Archie Roach, Marty Nelson Williams( album Launch), Lucky and Damien Howard and the Ploughboys. Plus Featuring a smorgasboard dinner by Lentil As Anything, Comedian MC, Special Guest Speaker, Remembrance Ceremony for Rangers Killed in the line of duty with Bag piper, Great raffle prizes, Great Food, wine and beer, and 300 wonderful people all for a good cause.
Tickets: $75 dinner and show (members $65) and music, $35 show only ($30)
From or Balnarring Village Hardware
Saturday August 6th 6pm -12pm- World Ranger Day
at Abbotsford Convent - Rosina Room
World Ranger Day Gala Fundraiser Dinner - Supporting the work of the Thin Green Line Foundation and families of rangers killed in the line of duty, and proactive community conservation projects.