It's just about that special time of year again when we celebrate Easter by pigging out on chocolate eggs, seeing a bunch of relatives we haven't seen since last year and bludging off work for as many days as the Government lets us. But what else is there to do in Ye Olde Melbourne Towne during this magical period? Well there's really only one thing going on and that's our annual 'Best of Both Sides' festival!
Now in it's 4th year, the 'BoBS' festival has long since established itself as one of the major events on the Melbourne dance music calendar and this year promises to be our best yet. We have over 90 artists playing across 4 stages over 7days. Massive right!
Not only that, we will again be running the 'Boags Bus' between Lucky Coq and Bimbo Deluxe so you can check out whats happening across river at the drop of a hat. And whats more, it's completely free!
Best of Both Sides - which side are you on?
For more information, or to download a copy of our 8-page program please visit
PLUS - Closing Party with PBS DJ’s Monica Hanns, P. King & Edd Fisher from 3pm at Bimbo’s rooftop!