The Black Harmony Gathering is now in its 7th year celebrating national Harmony Day and the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
The Black Harmony Gathering’s origins bloomed from a partnership between Australia’s original and newest peoples. Elders of Melbourne’s Koori and Somali communities with help from Multicultural Arts Victoria developed the Black Harmony Gathering, originally as a small backyard barbeque, to bring the communities closer. It has grown to be a prominent Melbourne cultural festival.
Held on the luscious banks of the Yarra River at Fairfield Amphitheatre, Melbourne celebrates the music and dance of our black brothers and sisters. With delicious food and craft markets, the whole family is invited for a day of cross cultural music and dance. With performances from Australia’s First Nations, The Congo, Sudan, Senegal, The Cook Islands, Cape Verde, Guriguru and more...the Black Harmony Gathering will have you shakin what ya mama gave ya. Gather in Harmony, Sunday March 20th, 2011.
Featuring Coloured Stone, Deline Briscoe, Guriguru, Ras Jahknow, Yung Warriors, King Bell, MASSIVE, Koori Youth Will Shake Spears, Culture Connect, Stars of the Cook Islands, Dombai Dance Group, craft markets, global food stalls and more...
Sunday, March 20th at Fairfield Amphitheatre, Heidelberg Road, Fairfield.
This is a FREE event!
Visit for details