Tue 26 Dec 2017
The 1st Annual Old Bar Boxing Day Benefit gig.
This year the good folks at The Old Bar are trying to raise some funds for St Mary's House of Welcome who do great work helping people struggling with homelessness. The Old Bar have lined up a bunch of bands playing all day, and an art show upstairs with proceeds of sales being donated to the cause.
If you're looking for something to do this Boxing Day, get along and hear some great local music and support St Mary's House of Welcome.
Yachay 11pm
Yes, Yes, Whatever 10pm
Astral Skulls 9pm
Winternationale 8pm
Michael Beach 7pm
Howl at the Moon 6pm
Capital Gains 5pm
Doors at 4pm $10 entry
Artwork upstairs by:
Jen Drane
Yasmin Sumner
Andy J Ryan
Joel Morrison