“Ian Svenonius is the greatest rock’n’roll frontman in the world” - Anthony Carew (SMH / The Age)
Chain & The Gang is the latest creative vehicle for Washington DC activist Mr.Ian Svenonius, ex-The Make Up / Nation Of Ulysses and a man described by fellow Washington native Henry Rollins as “a genius”.
Svenonius, the sonic-architect behind socio-political minded groups The Make Up, Nation Of Ulysses, Weird War (and others) and one of the worlds GREAT front men formed Chain and The Gang in 2009. Since that time Chain ... have released four (4) must have albums including 2014’s Minimum Rock ’n’ Roll, a 31 minute slab of garage-funk with a punk heart and a social awareness that has aspirations beyond the genre - any genre!
"The first time I saw Ian Svenonius play live was when he jumped onstage with Fugazi and started playing an organ that happened to be onstage. He was amazing. Not only is the man a brilliant musician, having put out records through his many bands, the Nation Of Ulysses, the Make Up, Cupid Car Club, Felt Letters, XYZ, to name a few, his newest incarnation Chain & the Gang is one of the coolest live bands anywhere. The man has more charisma than most." - Henry Rollins
Alongside vocalist and chief provocateur Svenonius, are bassist, synthesist and composer Anna Nasty, guitarist Francy Graham and drummer Fiona Campbell, while Svenonius himself, is also a filmmaker, a dancer, a youtube host and a writer with his author credit appearing on the books “The Psychic Soviet” and “Supernatural Strategies”. Individually these members are scintillating but together they’re something greater than the parts. An irresistible combo that provides the best hope for the future and the only answer to the embarrassing slime pit called “culture” nowadays.
Listen back to Fang It! Thursday 9 March for a live set from Chain & The Gang. Studio 5 Live is proudly brought to you by Mountain Goat.