Aa (say "Big A little a") has been one of the most restlessly innovative bands in Brooklyn over the past seven years, steadily evolving their unique, intensely stylized brand of DIY maximalism through frequently-changing lineups and instrumentation. Like an ADD-afflicted Boredoms or Aphex Twin re-imagined as a self-taught marching band, the group's hyper-hyphenate, polyrhythmic sound evokes elements of global dance, hardcore, electronic, pop, psych, and other influences with a sensibility that transcends pastiche to create something wholly, bracingly new. Now featuring multiple hybrid acoustic/electronic drummers, dense, laptop-generated soundscapes, heavily processed vocals, and a distinctive, starkly minimal light show, Aa's live performances are atmospheric, frenetic, and constantly surprising.
Listen back to Mixing Up The Medicine with Louise Please for a live set from Aa.