and performed a special Studio 5 Live on Shock Treatment
Photographer: Unknown
When Kev Lobotomi announced he will be winding up Shock Treatment on December 28, 2022 there was an outpouring from his listening community. Declared a "huge supporter of local music", "a legend" "a champion", "ambassador" and "a great bloke" and more. His listeners ensured he will be remembered for all the work he did for over 3 decades within the music community and on air at PBS.

Our incomplete archives indicate the first remaining record of Kev's history at PBS is presenting Insomnia (circa 1987), 'Lobotomy, Front, Back and Sides', 'Lobotomy Punk', 'Punk' (1987 - 1988), Rock, Thrash, Punk, Hip Hop, Rap, Alternative Rock (1989) and Shock Treatment which commenced in 1989. But records can only tell you so much (and sometimes ours are not 100% accurate) so here's a few memories from Phil MacDougall and Rodney Shah who were there alongside Kev's on his PBS journey.

Photographer: Unknown
Phil MacDougall on Kev Lobotomi
"I met Kev in the early 80's here in Melbourne in St. Kilda at the Seaview Ballroom, and around the band scene down in sin city: St. Kilda. After the venues closed at about 1.00 am we would find ourselves at parties in St. Kilda. I soon discovered that Kev had a large record collection and I suggested he come and present a punk rock radio show on PBS, which at the time was located also in Fitzroy Street, St. Kilda, which he did around 1987. Shock Treatment was born!
One of his favourite bands was the Ramones. Kev was really into American punk bands at the time and Australian punk bands. We talked about music in general a lot, we still do.
Over the last 35 years while Kev Lobotomi has been presenting the Shock Treatment radio show he has been a tireless supporter of Australian independent bands as well as overseas touring bands. He has interviewed hundreds of up-and-coming bands and has been the first person on Australian radio to play their demo tape. He has totally gone out of his way to get new Melbourne bands in for an interview. This cannot be understated!

Photographer: Unknown
Throughout the 80's, 90's and 00 's he was frequently seen up the front of the stage at venues like the Tote, the Corner Hotel, the Esplanade, the Prince of Wales Hotel, and the Greyhound hotel with beer in hand cheering on his favourite bands. Kev still is very passionate about music.

promo compilation cover art by Kev Lobotomi and Reggie Ray, 2004
Over the years he has presented many bands from Australia and overseas live on his radio show in the form of ‘'The Lobotomi Sessions'', PBS has released two CD 's of just a small amount of the hundreds of bands that have performed a live set on his radio show. The Lobotomi Sessions Part One, the Fellowship of the Rock CD is dedicated to a true legend, Tim Hemensley, and has 23 bands recorded live at PBS over the years.
The Lobotomi Sessions Part Two, the Gospel Sounds of Satan, is a double CD of 50 bands recorded live at PBS and is dedicated to the memory of legendary PBS metal announcer Jeff Rule. Over the years Kev has also put on Shock Treatment gigs to help raise money for the station with some of his favourite Australian bands.

Poster art by Fred Negro 2005
Kev's interviewing technique is loose, but that's what people liked about his radio show. It was like listening to two people having a conversation in somebody's lounge room. He gave all bands an equal footing and never put one band up on a pedestal ahead of another band. Overseas bands got the same treatment as an unknown Melbourne band. Brilliant!

Photographer: Unknown
Some of the bands Kev has supported over the years are the Cosmic Psychos, the Meanies, the Hard-ons, Spencer P. Jones, Power Monkeys, Bored, Six FT. Hick, Johnny Casino, Hits, Mack Pelican, Bob Log III, Digger and the Pussycats, Frankenbok, Dreadnaught and Peeping Tom to name just a few.
On Wednesday nights at 8:00pm on PBS we will no longer hear a Ramones track and hear Kev dedicate that song to his wonderful girlfriend Katrina!" - Words by Phil MacDougall (Sunglasses After Dark)

Picture supplied
Rodney Shah on Kev Lobotomi
"Lobotomi, Lobotomi.
Try as I might, I really can't remember when I first met Kev.
Pretty sure it was some time in the 80’s and it was probably in St Kilda, when we were hanging round PBS. Of course, there was punk rock involved. Probably a beer or two……
You know Kev’s show, Shock Treatment, takes its name from the Ramones song and he starts every show with a track by the brothers.
That's 33 years of dedication to a band, as well as 33 years of dedication to local hard and heavy rock and roll. As well as championing music on his show, Kev is a great supporter of live music. Did you want to find him at a gig? Check down the front of the stage. He’s there, beer in hand, but there is more to him than just rock’n’roll.

Photographer: Unknown
Did you know he’s a mad keen birdwatcher? My 1st inkling that there was another passion in Dr Lobotomi’s life was years ago when he told me he was off to Antarctica. At first, I thought it was one of his many jokes (Kev has a great sense of humour, just don’t ask him about cow bells). But no, he was off on a 6 week scientific voyage (apologies if some of these facts are not quite right, it was a long time ago!) A chance to see some wonderful bird life, the only drawback there was a rationing of the limited beer on board.
When Bill Oddie of the Goodies visited Australia one time in the 90’s, who was the only person to get an interview with him? Kevin Lobotomi of course!
Don’t ask me how it was arranged, but there is a birdwatching mafia I have since learned.
I’m sure Oddie had never been asked to give his opinion on what was the most punk rock bird, I wish I could remember his answer…
It was recently at the launch for the latest Grindhouse LP, just after Blowers had played, Kev was telling me about a trip up north to see a very rare bird. He didn’t see the bird, but came face to face with a cassowary (which I reckon is the most punk rock bird). This to me is Kev in a nutshell. Killer Melbourne music and cold beer or two.

Photographer: Unknown
One of the things that make PBS so wonderful is the contribution all the volunteers and announcers make to the place, whether it is big or small. With over 30 years input to the station, Kev Lobotomi has made a massive contribution not only to PBS but to the Melbourne music scene" - Words by Rodney Shah

Left to right: Kene Lightfoot, Kev Lobotomi, Wendy Tonkin, Phil MacDougall, Chris Pearson and Claire Stuchbery
Photographer: Owen McKern
Kev Lobotomi's final Shock Treatment went to air on Wednesday, December 28, 2022, from 8 pm-10 pm. Phil MacDougall took a few photos to mark the occasion.
Photographer: Phil MacDougall
Photographer: Unknown
Party with Kev at Lobotomizer - The Last Laugh
Head along to the Gaso on Friday February 10 to bid a fond farewell and thanks to Kev Lobotomi and his long-running program Shock Treatment, which wrapped up at the end of last year. Along for the ride are Oz punk stalwarts X, Grindhouse, Strawberry Fist Cake, Penny Ikinger (solo) and The FckUps, all for the measly sum of $15 + booking fee (or $20 at the door if available).