by The Drones
The DronesFeelin Kinda Free (PBS feature record)
The Drones - Feelin Kinda Free
The opening of Feelin Kinda Free is perfectly explosive, deranged, off-kilter. A minute in there's a moment's breath before launching back into the drum and guitar thick, albeit with a more stable beat now. The best songs are like bad dreams, sings Liddiard. He's not quite spit – speaking, but you know his style. If you can cover all the exits / Yeah but one by one they blur / And you're forgetting all the words / By the time you get to breakfast.
The best songs, like bad dreams, are memorable. Feelin Kinda Free, like The Drones' catalogue, is sharply memorable. The band's musical and lyrical weight land like a punch, but The Drones have never been about aggression for aggression's sake. This is a body-shaking weight that demands accountability from its listeners. Lyrics are familiarly delivered as punctuating and rhythmic mouthfuls of literature, history, consumer culture and criticism, and across the album's eight songs, distinctions of 'free' are made, muddled and challenged. Free, without borders. Like Syrian emigration? Free, without cost. Gratis. Take, take. Free, without consequence, protected by pride and denial.
Free, despite or beyond reality?
The album's title could almost be taken as a micro celebration. Feeling Kinda Free. But hang on, kinda free? What does that even mean? And smack. The realisation. Maybe that's as good as we ever get it, or let ourselves? Kinda free. Somewhat free. Sometimes free. Delighted by the 'free' bit and staring straight through the translucent barbed wire of 'kinda'.
This album is exceptional.
By Maddy Mac– Homebrew
Ryuichi Sakamoto, Alva Noto and Bryce Dessner The Revenant OST (Featured on The Breakfast Spread)
This record is a stunning collaoration between Ryuchi Sakamoto, Alva Noto and Bryce Dessner. The work was composed for the academy award-winning film The Revenant and marks Sakamoto's return to work after a period of ill health. Unhurried and confident, the score moves fluidly from subtle minimalism to tense crescendos. Featuring both live strings and electronic production this soundtrack is an emotive synthesis of old and new world sounds.
By Cat– The Breakfast Spread
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