by Jimmy Tait
Local band Jimmy Tait released their first, self-titled, album in 2010. It was a dark, quiet affair with the voice of main songwriter Sara Retallick being the main focus. There were some really nice songs but you felt that something more was waiting in the wings. Three years later, they’ve released their second album Golden and you can really hear the progression. It’s a much fuller sounding record with the whole band making significant contributions. Sure, Sara’s voice is still beautiful and really stands out but the band sound really big and lush on this album. The other really noticeable aspect is that the songs are a bit more varied. There are still stark and quiet songs such as album opener What Is This For? but there is also rockier and more upbeat fair such as first single All My Friends and the gorgeous Eyes. A really beautiful album which flows seamlessly from one track into the next and a wholly satisfying listen.
by Crispi - The Breakfast Spread (week days from 6-9am)
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