The Great Concert is for The Great Forest National Park held at The Brunswick Town Hall on Saturday Nov 7th.
The Great Concert will be a powerful showcase of music and the arts. We will raise much needed funds and support to continue the push into the minds of Victorians and into State and Federal Parliament to form the legal and regulatory frameworks to declare The Great Forest National Park.
All proceeds from the Concert will go to The Great Forest National Park.
Great Forest Video: Great Forest National Park - Prof. David Lindenmayer
Great Forest Website:
This is a Moreland City Council supported event with other local businesses donating goods / services and community support such as:
• The Merri Table Cafe
• Bar Craft Nomadic Bars
Local Community Support:
• Moreland Energy Foundation
• Friends of Moonie Ponds Creek
• Friends Of Merri Creek
• Climate Action Moreland
All bands and speakers are donating their time and services.