Independent Record Store Day was founded in the USA in 2007 as a celebration of the unique culture surrounding hundreds of independently owned record stores around the world, and we've been taking part ever since. A number of independent stores around Melbourne are participating, and every individual store has their own way of celebrating, with live instore performances, guest DJ's, offering discount specials, etc.
Check each store's websites for details or head to
Basement Discs will be presenting live performances all day long from some of Melbourne's finest artists, including JEFF LANG, CHARLES JENKINS, THE WOLFGRAMM SISTERS, SEAN McMAHON'S WESTERN UNION, ABBIE CARDWELL, CHRIS WILSON, SARAH CARROLL, CASH SAVAGE and LITTLE JOHN.
There will be a Music Quiz with great prizes. and MC duties being handled by DAVE GRANEY, HENRY WAGONS, REBECCA BARNARD & RUSTY (Scared Weird Little Guys). There'll also be a set discount on everything in the store (personal shoppers only).
Wherever you find yourself on April 16, make it a point to drop into an indie record store, join in celebrating the day, make a purchase, and show your support for the little guys that are fighting the good fight! (despite ever challenging conditions)! Indie Record Store Day
Sat. 16th April 10am to 6pm
A fun-filled & family friendly day of celebration. Live music all day, lots of give-aways, discounts, etc. Come join us - it’ll be blast! Open 7 days!
The Basement Discs
24 Block Place
Melbourne 3000
Phone: 03 9654 1110
Fax: 03 9654 1734