PBS is inviting all of our listeners to experience the live performances of The Drive Live Easey Street Sessions as part of Live Music Week- all thanks to Coopers.
Check out the full listings below, and score yourself a double pass to any one of these shows by sending us an email with your name, and the show you would like to attend to events@pbsfm.org.au. Winners will be contacted with details.
If you can't make it, still be a part of the action by tuning in to PBS 106.7FM throughout the last week of February and get yourself into the full PBS Live Music Week 2011 program, packed with a diverse range of unplugged and live performances covering a broad spectrum of genres.
And if the week didn’t seem big enough, then come down to Cherry on Saturday 26th February for The Breadmakers, Clairy Browne & The Bangin Rackettes, Harmony and DJ Pierre Baroni, which will be broadcast live on PBS. Doors @ 8pm, entry is by gold coin donation.
A long standing PBS tradition, Live Music Week represents PBS’ unwavering commitment to music performance. Since 1988, Live Music Week has been a stalwart on the PBS event calendar, involving an insane amount of live performances from the PBS studios; all broadcast live over seven days across the PBS program grid.
MONDAY, 21st February
Great Earthquake / Art Of Bleep 12-2am / www.myspace.com/greatearthquake
Jimmy Tait / Breakfast Spread 6-9am / www.myspace.com/jimmytaitmusic
Mikekay / Bop Gun 9-11am / www.soundcloud.com/mikekay
Ras Jahknow / Big Mob 1-3pm
Kate Lucas / Homebrew 3pm- 5pm / www.myspace.com/katelucas
Lisa Miller / Firewater 5-7pm / www.lisamiller.com.au
Downhills Home / Firewater 5-7pm / www.myspace.com/downhillshome
All Star Hip Hop Squad / Hippopotaums Rex 8-10pm
Consequence (NZ) / The Blend 10pm-12am / www.myspace.com/consequencenz
TUESDAY, 22nd February
Jordie Lane / Breakfast Spread 6-9am / www.myspace.com/jordielanemusic
Oslo / Inside Vibe 9am- 11am / www.myspace.com/theoslo
Kazband / Trans Europa Express 11am-1pm / http://www.kazband.com.au/
The Rusty Pickers / Southern Style 1-3pm / www.myspace.com/rustypickers
The Ancients / Mixing Up The Medicine 5-7pm / www.myspace.com/theeancients
Gareth Liddiard / Mixing Up The Medicine 5-7pm / www.myspace.com/garethliddiard
Brian Hooper / Everybody Moves 7-8pm / www.myspace.com/brianhooper
The Duvtons / Hang Em High 8-10pm / www.myspace.com/theduvtons
WEDNESDAY, 23rd February
The Stetson Family / Breakfast Spread 6-9am / www.myspace.com/thestetsonfamily
Jules Boult & Chris Mac / Roots Of Rhythym 9-11am / www.julesboult.com
Wrong Turn / City Slang 5-7pm / www.myspace.com/wrongturnrockandroll
The Surrealists / City Slang 5-7pm / www.myspace.com/kimlsalmon
James Carter Quartet / On The Corner 7-8pm www.myspace.com/jamescartersaxophone
The Level Spirits / Shock Treatment 8-10pm / www.myspace.com/thelevelspirits
Bogan Nation / Burning Bitumen 10pm-12am / www.bogannation.com
THURSDAY, 24th February
Lindsay Phillips / Breakfast Spread 6-9am / www.myspace.com/lindsayphillipsmelbourne
Dan Sultan & Scott Wilson / Go For Broke 1-3pm / www.dansultan.com
Suzie Stapleton / Acid Country 3-5pm / www.myspace.com/suziestapleton
The Bakelite Age / Fang It! 5-7pm / www.myspace.com/thebakeliteage
The Toot Toot Toots / Fang It! 5-7pm / www.myspace.com/toottoottoots
Wunderlust / Sunglasses After Dark 8-10pm / www.myspace.com/wunderlustmusik
HMAS Vendetta / Screaming Symphony 10pm-12am / www.myspace.com/hmasvendetta
FRIDAY, 25th February
Abbie Cardwell / Breakfast Spread 6-9am / www.abbiecardwell.com
Acequia / Latin Connection 9-11am / www.myspace.com/acequiamusic
Teeth & Tongue / Stonelove 5-7pm / www.myspace.com/teethandtongue
Gentle Ben & His Sensitive Side / Stonelove 5-7pm / www.myspace.com/gentlebenandhissensitiveside
Super Melody / Radio De Janeiro 8-10pm / www.myspace.com/supermelodyworld
SATURDAY, 26th February
Clairy Browne & The Bangin Rackettes, The Breadmakers and Harmony, plus DJ Pierre Baroni
Broadcasting live at the Cherry Bar from 8pm.
SUNDAY, 27th Fenruary
Stackfull / Rhythym Round Up 6-9am / www.myspace.com/stackfull
Judge Pino & The Ruling Motions / Blue Juice 11am-1pm / http://www.facebook.com/pages/Judge-Pino-The-Ruling-Motions/173821832633991
The Cactus Channel / Boss Action 1-3pm / www.myspace.com/thecactuschannel
Wouter Kellerman / Flight 1067 To Africa 3-5pm / www.wouterkellerman.com
Yasar Akpence and HAREM'de / Global Village 5-7pm / www.myspace.com/yasarakpence
Alwan / Global Village 5-7pm / www.myspace.com/alwanband
To find out more about our Band Drive in February, click here.
Proudly supported by Coopers and APRA.