Signed up as a member during Radio Festival? Already a Friend for Life or Friend for a Decade? You can still show a little extra support for the station by making a donation to PBS. Every little bit counts! All donations over $2 to the station are tax deductable – so if you are already a member, that’s extra incentive to donate and help minimize your bill at tax time. Do something good and stick it to the tax man. You can’t argue with that and neither can the tax department!
As this financial year comes to an end, we’re asking our listeners for their support by making a donation to the station, to contribute to some modest improvements to our broadcast facilities. Our target is to raise $75,000 for a new broadcast studio and new equipment. Thanks to some recent generous donations, we are well on our way there and have begun some improvements. But there’s still a fair way to go and you can be a part of it.
Our Studio 5 Live performance space has served us well, but we now need to upgrade the mixing desk, and we need an extra studio so that we can improve our capacity for things like interviews, editing and training. It will also enable PBS to create specialist music programs for our digital radio service and other broadcast platforms.
By contributing to the appeal, you are helping PBS do what it does best – present well-crafted music for music lovers everywhere. This means better broadcasting, better listening, and more support for our music community.
To make a donation to PBS, just click this link and fill out your contact details and then go to the ‘Make a Tax Deductible Donation section’. It’s as easy as that!