Tue 18 Sep 2012
The aim of the Blues Performer of the Year Contest (BPOY) is to find the best possible blues band/artist/s to represent the MBAS and Australia in Memphis Tennessee USA at the International Blues Challenge (IBC) January 29th – 2nd February 2013. The IBC Memphis has 2 categories: Band section and Solo/Duo section. First prize – up to 2 return airfares to Memphis, USA plus accommodation, $1000 cash and admission to the IBC.
The finals for BPOY will be Sunday 28th October 2012 at a venue TBC.
Entries will close on Tuesday September 18th
Previous winners/placegetters in Memphis have included Jimi Hocking, Fiona Boyes, Andy Cowan, Geoff Achison and Sweet Felicia and the Honeytones.
Entry forms: www.mbas.org.au