On Friday the 1st of April, the triumphant return of Crimsonfire to the live scene takes place at Metal Central, presented by PBS’ longest running metal show Screaming Symphony. Supporting the progressive/power metal sounds of Crimsonfire is one of the youngest and newest double-bassbeating, shredding power metal bands around - Winterstorm.
Crimsonfire released their debut album back in 2005 with many considering thealbum an instant classic with Iron Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson describing it as ‘a very impressive album’. Six years on, 2011 will see the band back in full force. After an enforced break, the band return to the live scene with news about their much anticipated new album and to remind everyone that they are one of Australia’s premier progressive power metal bands.
Winterstorm, having spent 2010 playing their wares on an unsuspecting Melbourne metal audience, have become a major player in the Melbourne power metal scene. With influences ranging from Angra, Iced Earth, Rhapsody, Nightwish, Firewind, and Kamelot, watch in awe as flashy lead shredmaster AJ Finch tears up the stage with Robert Bekesi’s epic voice and fantastical storytelling lyrics that push the boundaries like never before. With an EP due in 2011, Winterstorm are definitely one to watch out for.