by Tracey McNeil
I love this album!! One of the best of 2014 thus far and a great example of an album being all killer - no filler and extremely strong songwriting!! Tracy is a Canadian singer/songwriter but has been living in Australia for about 8 years and performing regularly around Melbourne ever since. This album comes 3 years after Fire From Burning but there have been a few changes with the songwriting developing from being primarily alt-country influenced into having a more early 70's-L.A. Singer/Songwriter feel. It really comes out in the opening tune and first single Wildcats but also in City Lights and Luxury Liner. You can still hear a strong country influence in Swinging but the rest of the album has a stronger base in rock/pop. However, if you just love a great song, then you've got nine fine examples right here. An exceptionally beautiful album!!
by Crispi - The Breakfast Spread
This week's Top 10: