Northern Exposure (NE11) is a street wide arts project organized by the Northcote Business Association. Local businesses and artists join forces on High Street Northcote leaving a playful trail of discovery for the attentive observer. In this its seventh year there are three principal elements to the festivities:
1. High Views: sight specific art installed in shop windows, including sculptural works, paintings and drawings.
2. High Events: art related workshops, tours and events hosted on the evening of the launch and throughout the two week duration of the exhibition.
3. Small Works, Small Spaces: a new element comprising of either permanent or ephemeral work installed along the street in odd spots and out of the way places, including pom poms, miniature dioramas, gold leafing and stencil work.
We have in effect redefined the festival this year and the central concept is our tag line –the street is the gallery. Our aim is to create a more inclusive exhibition that brings art out onto the street and into the unexpected. Our hope is to in fact illustrate the suburb with art for this two week period. There are over fifty artists involved and over thirty local businesses participating. Visitors can explore teeny-tiny-street-art hidden in nooks and crannies, window installations and arts events that will surprise, provoke and delight.
This year's catalogue has been designed by Marc Martin, our supporters include PBS, Westpac, Yarra Trams and The Leader Newspaper and Chat Noir Wines are generously helping us out for the launch night.
Launch Night is 17th June and the art will be up until the 3rd July.
High Views is coordinated by Lizzy Sampson
Small Works, Small Spaces is curated by Belinda Wiltshire
For more programming details please check the High Street website