This is it. Finally. For the first time in their 21 year existence The Oblivians are making their maiden voyage down under. The godfathers of modern garage-punk. The heirs to the throne. The nastiest, filthiest most obscene rock’n’roll pioneers of the modern era are coming for a whirlwind tour of every east-coast gritty pub they could find. Most never thought they’d get the chance to witness The Oblivians live, but now the time has come to watch them tear across Australia.
But first some history…
...The Oblivians came together in Memphis in 1993 when Greg Cartwright and Jack Yarber from the Compulsive Gamblers met Eric Friedl from Hawaii. They abruptly blew apart, letting loose with some of the rawest garage punk heard. Their brand of unhinged rock’n’roll was loaded with the feel of the blues but seethed with the fun and desperation of the best punk, helping to kick-start an explosion of raw garage rock’n’roll bands around the world.
After their break up in 1998, their legacy has only grown, with artists like Jay Reatard, Black Lips and Ty Segall taking cues from the Memphis heroes and reaching out to audiences worldwide. Meanwhile, Greg Cartwright continued with Reigning Sound, reaching deeper into traditional musical strains and refining a more soulful approach in his songs for several fantastic records – the most recent of which came out this year on Merge Records.
Watch a clip from the live to air here
Listen back to Mixing Up the Medicine for a live set from Oblivians.