Cyclepower Cambodia – a joint initiative between Australian NGO Disability Sport & Recreation (DSR) and Cambodian charity partner Stand Up Cambodia (CNVLD) will see a group of 20 cyclists ride across Cambodia in June 2012 to raise awareness of and funds for disability sport and recreation. Funded in part by the Cyclepower initiative and associated activities, DSR and Stand Up Cambodia will pilot a wheelchair basketball program for women with disability in Cambodia. The program is primarily aimed at improving health and social wellbeing for Cambodian women with disability. To further assist building the program, DSR have committed to sending an Australian coach with disability to host a wheelchair basketball coaches’ clinic in late 2012.
In order to contribute to much needed funds for the trip, the “Playing for Cambodia” benefit gig has been organized at The Tote on Thursday 15th March, featuring the fabulous Cambodian Space Project, PBS’ Richie 1250, Burl Ivers, Ruth Lindsey and Sean M Whelan & The Interim Lovers. Entry is $15 at the door and all proceeds to DSR’s Women’s Project, doors at 7.30pm.