by Pat Capocci & Rusty Pinto
When people talk about rockabilly and rock and roll, they are generally thinking of today’s loud distorted three chord bands, bashing out simple up-tempo numbers, recorded with modern amps in computer enhanced high tech studios. In the mid 50’s in rockabilly’s explosive heyday, nothing was recorded or played like that.
All over the world, passionate and talented musicians playing rockabilly and rock and roll in a more authentic ‘50’s style, have given rise to a whole underground scene – the Rockin’ scene – where roots music is still king. Australia’s two best examples are showcased here;
Pat Capocci, with his matinee idol good looks, sharp cat clothes and a perfect country voice that you would be hard pressed to place, (except maybe in 1954...) plays guitar that alternates between laying back softly and then driving the songs on with searing country rock leads. This is not cheap loud or distorted... and who needs that when the finger picker is this talented?
Rusty delivers the other side of the coin, his voice, eager, a tremor of red blooded excitement urgently coursing through his songs – there is nothing laid back about this performance. Mean, moody, dark and brooding – this is real rockin’ blues, this is indeed the Devil’s music, played by a real wild child.
Listening to the vintage feel of this album, it’s easy to forget that these are brand NEW songs, written by Pat and Rusty! All credit to Press-Tone Music who have proved that their vintage recording techniques are as good as any in the world, either now or back in ’55.
This week's Top 10: