It’s getting warmer, which is always a good indication that Rainbow Serpent Festival is just around the corner!
As all the different components of the festival start to fall into place we are beginning to get a clearer idea of just how unique 2011 is going to be.
Music wise we cannot be more pleased with the diversity and quality. From Cobblestone Jazz, Radio Slave, Fatali to Perfect Stanger and Khainz, all stages are bursting with international goodness and we haven’t even begun to list our quality domestic talent.
With regard to our Lifestyle and Arts program we are exceptionally fortunate to have legendary American artist Alex Grey and his wife Allyson headlining Rainbow 2011. During the course of the festival, Alex and Allyson Grey will showcase their radiant portfolio of visionary artwork in a special area of the Arts and Lifestyle Village.
Site wise, we have received the best rainfall for almost a decade and everything is green and vibrant! The weather nerds have forecast a mild summer so we expect to see these ideal conditions continue.
All up, everything is on track for very unique Australia Day weekend in January; we hope you can be there to share it with us.
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