by The Red Paintings
Five years in the making,’ The Red Paintings’ latest album ‘The Revolution Is Never Coming’ is part political manifesto, part Art, Punk, Post, Prog, Ambient, Electro, Indie, String driven Orchestral rock of the highest quality. Yes there is LOTS going on here.
The hoops and hurdles leader Trash McSweeney has had to negotiate on the road to this albums fruition would have driven a less driven person quite round the twist. The wait has been well worthwhile.
From the Ambient Electro of the lead track Vampires, to the brooding dread of Wasps, via the psychedelic Alice in wonderland of Streets fell into my window to the nearly nine minutes of the title tracks political agenda “ let’s go to mars and fuck it all again”. This music is great, indescribable, Very Visual and rewarding.
There IS something for everyone in this album. I give my whole hearted admiration for someone with a vision this big who can pull it off.
Well done all 'round!
by Chris Pearson - Pojama People (Wednesdays at 10pm)
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