Gather your brood and veer to the bowlo for a rollicking Sunday gig specially curated for adults and kids. Catch the sweet country stylings of The Grapes, featuring Ash Naylor and Sherry Rich, teaming up with avant garde pop legend Ross Mc Lennan and The New World Compact. Plus at half time, there’ll be a mega hoola hoop off on the bowling green.
Old school cake stall, snossage rolls, meat tray raffle, snag sizzle,
plus “Jack Attack” kids bowling coaching and barefoot bowls all day, included in entry!
Entry is $10 for adults, kids free.
Shake The Tree:
The Grapes, Ross McLennan & The New World Compact plus mega hoola hoop off!
Sunday 22nd February, 2- 5pm, Thornbury Bowls Club, 27 Ballantyne St, Thornbury.