The community has gotten together to organise a benefit gig, raising money to help cover medical costs for The Boite's Director, Zulya Kamalova. The benefit is taking place at Magdalen Laundry, Abbotsford Convent on September 1.
In an immediate response to singer Zulya Kamalova’s serious illness, musicians flooded The Boite with calls offering help. The decision to present a benefit concert to raise funds to support Zulya’s medical costs was quick and easy and organisers, techs and musos leapt into action.
The result will be an afternoon of music at the Magdalen Laundry at Abbotsford Convent -It’s Father’s Day, so give your Dad the chance to enjoy some superb music from around the globe!
Zulya has lived in Australia for longer than in her birthplace Tatarstan. She came as a young adventurer and found good reasons to settle here. Since then she has made very significant and substantial contributions to our cultural life. Musically, as a performer, songwriter, arranger, collaborator, she has brought joy to many.
Her ensemble Children of the Underground, has recorded albums and toured nationally and internationally, to huge acclaim. Her work has stretched from traditional to experimental, it’s challenging and adventurous. She has lived here and made a family and a life.
Most recently, Zulya has taken up the position of Director of Melbourne’s multicultural
presenter, The Boite. She has refreshed and driven Boite projects, made new friends for
the organisation, and taken it to new levels.
The Boite is seeking the support of everyone who Zulya has touched to support us in this Benefit Concert and to donate.
Songs For Zulya
Date: Sunday 1 September, 2024
Time: 3pm - 6pm or 7pm
Venue: Magdalen Laundry, Abbotsford Convent
Tickets: $30 full, $20 concession. Donations with ticket purchase encouraged.
Bookings: is external)
Alex Vargas & guests
Con Kalamaras & guests
Bohemian Knights
Melbourne Georgian Choir
Anthony Schulz
Suzie So Blue
Sepideh and Mastaneh
Jad Pinnone
Amla Periakarpan
Pal Mar
and more to be announced!
The Boite are also welcoming donations from people who can’t attend on the day but
would like to support Zuyla’s recovery. Donations can be made at is external). Please comment “Zulya” in the notes.