The year is heading to a close and that means there’s just one more SOUL-A-GO-GO until we hit New Year’s Eve and beyond. Saturday 3rd December at Bella Union, catch PBS’ Pierre Baroni, Manchild, Richie 1250 and Miss Goldie for Melbourne’s best soul and funk party.
Get in super early from 9pm and avoid the queues. No presales! It’s $10 for members and $15 for future members.
And forward planners, start thinking about where you wanna be for NYE and decide that it’s Soul-A-Go-Go at Bella Union with two extra rooms for cosy couch chill out action and foot stompin dance shenanigans. Tickets on sale soon and strictly limited. Consider the seed planted.
Saturday 3rd December at Bella Union
Pierre Baroni, Manchild, Richie 1250 and Miss Goldie
9pm til late
Presented by PBS!!