On Monday night (5 September 2011) Chicago soul and funk legend Syl Johnson performed at The Spiegeltent as part of the Brisbane Festival.
It was the third sold-out show of an historic four-‐concert Australian tour backed by The Bamboos due to conclude in Melbourne at the Hi-‐Fi on Saturday 10 September. At approximately 8:30PM immediately after coming off stage Mr Johnson complained of feeling unwell. On his request, an ambulance was immediately called which arrived within two minutes. While being attended to by Queensland Ambulance officers backstage, Mr Johnson suffered a heart attack. The lead ambulance officer and two ambulance medics successfully steered Mr Johnson through the heart attack event. Mr Johnson was then transported to
the Royal Brisbane Hospital (10 minutes from the venue) where he was placed into immediate care. Royal Brisbane Hospital doctors carried out an operation to clear one of Mr Johnson’s arteries which was achieved without the use of a stent.
Mr Johnson has made a remarkable recovery and is in full command of all his mental and physical capacities. Within 24 hours of the event he was insisting that he continue with the Melbourne performance which had been scheduled for this Saturday 10 September. However, on the insistence of his medical team, Mr Johnson has agreed to postpone his performance to the following Saturday (17 September) at the same venue (HiFi Melbourne) with the same line up. Mr Johnson wants to express his gratitude to the Brisbane Festival team for their help, concern and professionalism as well as the Queensland Ambulance Service and the nurses and doctors at the Royal Brisbane Hospital for their fantastic care, attention and patience.
Mr Johnson says that he sincerely hopes that his Melbourne fans who have already purchased tickets will not be inconvenienced and that they will be able attend the HiFi on 17 September for what is sure to be a very emotional concert. The tour promoters (Harlem Dukes and Straightup) have said that persons who bought tickets for the now-‐postponed 10 September concert should retain them for use on 17 September. However, if any ticket-‐holders cannot attend the 17 September concert, refunds will be available until Monday 14th September 5.00pm by emailing info@thehifi.com.au.