Thu 9 Jan 2025

Thanks, Congratulations and Farewell Susi Lanagan (What The Folk!)

Photo credit: Isobel Buckley

PBS listeners would have heard that February 6 will be a very special day for Susi Lanagan and What the Folk!. That date will mark the 20th anniversary of Susi’s program, but it will also be the very last episode of this wonderful, unique PBS radio show. With mixed emotions here at PBS we’ll be going out of our way to make the final program on Thursday February 6 something very special. Susi has invited some of her favourite musicians to come and play live, and we encourage every PBS listener to tune in and help us celebrate Susi’s incredible contribution. For this anniversary program local folk/goth project Dandelion Wine will be tuning their hammered dulcimers and bouzoukis for an intimate performance, and singer/songwriter Kerryn Fields will also perform a set to help us send Susi out in style.

“Over the last 20 years It has been an absolute joy to select and present music from around the world to the wonderful listeners of PBS. I’m so glad to have been able to introduce people to some music that they may not have heard otherwise. PBS is true community radio and I’m proud to have been a part of it.” - Susi Lanagan.

We’ll all miss Susi dearly and really can’t thank her enough for what she’s given to PBS and to our listeners. Her on-air warmth, her passion for music, and her deep love for our community have brightened our Thursdays every week for 20 years. Now Susi is off on new adventures with a plan to travel and explore. We wish her all the very best and have no doubt that she’ll bring sunshine to wherever she lands.

Listen back to the 20th Anniversary and final edition of What the Folk! HERE