by Olivier Libaux
Cover versions of songs can be a little tricky. Sometimes, they’re just too similar to the original and can seem like a pointless exercise but if done with some originality, they can really bring a song to life in a way you never thought possible! Olivier Libaux is well accustomed to the latter. As a co-founder of the French group Nouvelle Vague, he’s helped make 5 albums of bossa nova-esque covers of mainly punk/new wave songs from the 70’s and 80’s. He has now released a solo album with a similar mindset but purely of Queens Of The Stone Age covers and the results are pretty amazing! The feel of QOTSA classics like No One Knows and Go With The Flow have been completely changed and sound like they could be Olivier originals! In the tradition of Nouvelle Vague albums, the songs also contain vocals by female vocalists who all give incredible performances, including Rosemary Standley from Moriarty, Emiliana Torrini and Alela Diane.
Well worth a listen!!
By Crispi - The Breakfast Spread, every week day from 6am
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