Malt Shop Hop - The Last Broadcast, Mr Doo Wop is surrounded by 16 folks in the studio consisting of friends, family and fans, March 5, 2025. Photo Greg Barnes.
Recently, we farewelled Mr. Doo Wop’s Malt Hop Shop after almost three decades at PBS. In the final moments of the last program, Mr. Doo Wop told listeners that volunteering at PBS has been the greatest honour of his life. [Listen back here.]
Volunteers Jaida and Celia G helped music fans at PBS Drive Live on Thursday, 27th of February 2025. Photo by Mauro Trentin.
At PBS’s annual Drive Live event, Jill, Margit, Catherine, Em, Leigh, Nell, Celia, Margherita, Aydin, Jaida, Ashley, Tyra, Bree, Charlie, Nadia, Ally, Riley, Tim, Jade, Pascale, Shonapokle, Elenor, and Rowan helped roll out the in-person, outdoor broadcast, all-ages gig series over 5 nights.
Cretan artists Frenzee stirred up excitement at PBS Drive Live on Tuesday, 25th of February 2025. Photo by Greg Barnes.
The event featured a star-studded lineup, including Bananagun, Close Counters, Frenzee, The Meanies, The Pro-Teens, Allysha Joy, Split System, Clamm, On Diamond, and Ella Thompson, alongside beloved PBS announcers Elle, Claire, Lyndelle, Ruari, and Richie. A huge thank you to all the volunteers who helped welcome our community, shared their time, effort, and care, and played such a crucial role in the event’s success and great vibes.
IWD 2025 fell on a Saturday and was an exciting day at PBS, with a fantastic lineup of announcers taking over the airwaves for 24 hours. Thanks to Rita Bassova, Emma Richardson, Caity Hall, Celia Bow, Lee Gunn, Lady Love Potion, Miss Goldie, Itations, Bellyas, Sista Sara, Suzi Hutchings, Jocelyn Leong and DJ Ides. Listen back to any /all of these programs here.
As always, we thank and acknowledge our terrific team of PBS announcers, fill-in talent, front desk, committee and music library volunteers. It is the team of PBS volunteers who power it 24/7.
Upcoming Volunteer Vacancies
Reception – Friday Fortnightly, 2 PM – 6 PM (April to August)
One of our wonderful Friday receptionists is taking leave, so we have a three-month, fortnightly vacancy for Friday afternoons from April 11 until August 1. Fridays are generally quiet but an important shift. With programs like Tomorrowland, The Breakdown, and Stone Love, you never know who might walk through our doors! [See the position description here] and email
to follow up.
Radio Festival – Craft Crew / Decorations
This is a fun role! We’re looking for a small crew of volunteers to help transform our space, decorate, and craft props based on the Radio Festival artwork and theme. We’ll aim to decorate three studios, our entrance, and the photo booth area in time for the festival’s start date: May 1. Since we’re working with a limited budget, creativity and imagination are a plus. If you’d like to be part of the team, please email
for more information.
Radio Festival – Admin Volunteering (After Hours + Day Shifts)
Radio Festival is our annual fundraiser, where we call for memberships and donations to help keep the station running. This year, it runs from Monday, May 12, to Sunday, May 25, and we’re seeking volunteers to assist with administrative tasks while fostering a positive atmosphere at the station.
If you’ve never volunteered at PBS but have been looking for an opportunity, this is a great chance to see the inner workings, meet some PBS folk, and contribute! Check out the Day Shift position description here or the After Hours position description here.
To register as a After Hours volunteer, please fill out this form:
After Hours Volunteer Registration Form
To register as a Day shift volunteer, please fill out this form
Day Shift Volunteer Registration Form