This week on State of The Art, World Problems creator and multi-award winning writer and performer Emma Mary Hall joins the team.
World Problems is a 'how-to' guide for engaging with the unimaginably big matter of future life on this planet. "I wanted to write a science fiction about the future and ended up writing a true story about the past. The piece is inspired by German historian and philosopher Oswald Spengler, ecofeminist cyborg aficionado Donna Haraway and the multi-million-billion-trillion lifeforms living and dying together in our biosphere," said Emma Mary Hall.
World Problems features interactive post-show workshops and discussions on 14, 16, 17, 23 and 24 March. These are facilitated, practical conversations on themes including climate and human change, futurist gardening, future-proofing our houses and ‘frugal hedonism’.
World Problems is Hall’s third piece, succeeding her two previous Melbourne Fringe hits We May Have to Choose (2015) and Ode to Man (2017), both of which were directed by Prue Clark.
Don't miss the Australian premiere at Fortyfivedownstairs starting Tuesday March 12.
For more details and bookings head to fortyfivedownstairs.