Mon 19 Mar 2012 to Sun 25 Mar 2012
by Hoodlum Shouts
Hoodlum Shouts welcome in 2012 with the release of their debut album 'Young Man Old Man', a record that brings forth songs of hope and sadness in equal measure.
A stinging trip through an Australian countryside, 'Young Man Old Man' is cuts through the cold comfort with it's tales of historical inequality and human innocence.
'Young Man Old Man' also displays the influence of their first time recording with acclaimed engineer Matt Voigt (Cat Power, Paul Kelly, The Nation Blue) in it's visceral sound and of their bruising live show in it's immediacy. – hellosQuarerecordings.
hellosQuare is a small DIY label based in Canberra, Australia releasing free-form music from artist we love.
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