Fri 10 Apr 2020
After 12 years on air, Wendy Tonkin has made the decision to finish up her radio show,  Metal Genesis on April 10. We asked Wendy about her PBS experience....


What drew you through the doors of PBS?

A feeling of loss - of myself mostly. I was working in a job that made me miserable and I felt of little worth. I wanted to find something that made me happy again, and PBS does, and has always done that. Being a stay-at-home mother of two sons I really needed to rediscover my own self - which had been lost along the way, somewhere between motherhood, returning to study, and re-entering the workforce.

What is your favourite program at PBS? 

Burning Bitumen

When did you start volunteering?

Around 15 years ago (I think)!

What do you do at PBS/what you have done? 

Presented Metal Genesis for 12 years. Worked in the music library. Worked on Reception. Ran the merch desk at Heavy and Hammered every year. Phone room during Radio Festival.  Helped out at Open Days, Clean Up Days, Record Fairs, whatever was needed really.

Personal PBS highlights?

Making such great lifelong friends. Being offered a timeslot for Metal Genesis. Meeting the amazing people in the scene. Being part of Heavy and Hammered. Making it into the book!

What kept you at PBS?

A sense of belonging. Fantastic music and life long friendships.

What does PBS mean to you?

Iconic, independent and a place to belong.

The 'P' in PBS stands for progressive. How do you envision that PBS can live up to that?

By staying true to the music, staying independent and not getting caught up in political issues. It's PBS who takes listeners away from all that and allows us to get lost somewhere beautiful. That's why we tune in.

How will you fill your time outside of PBS?

Going bush whenever I can, hiking in the Wombat Forest mostly. Leatherwork is something I'm actively pursuing in quite a big way and something I'm looking forward to having more time to do.

"I found my' people' at PBS and it feels like home every time I walk through the door"

Make sure you tune in to Metal Genesis Fridays from 10 pm and don't miss the very last episode on Friday, April 10.