Ruby Soho has returned to the PBS team. You can catch her every Wednesday evening from 10pm until midnight, spinning some of the greatest in rock'n'roll!
"For me, my real life really started in the Garage. It was the place where I first played a guitar, learned how to spin dads old vinyl, where I listened to my first punk rock records, started my first band, drank my first beer, threw my first parties and fell in love for the first time. In the garage I learned the lessons for my future. It was my home.
Garageland is the track of a rock and rollers past and future.
Garageland explores the journey of the musician, perhaps it’s Roky Erickson before or after the psychedelic trip that would change his life forever, or the exploration of a 16 year old pubescent teenager from Pakenham causing some anarchy because no one understands him or her. Garageland is the exploration of the real characters in our story, the music makers, the dreamers of the dreams."
Check out to see Ruby's past playlists and hear audio archives from past shows.