After a hotly contested final at The GH - Greyhound Hotel, St Kilda on Sunday 23rd October, Dream Boogie won the ‘PBS 106.7 FM Blues Performer of the Year’ contest and will be going to Memphis to compete at the International Blues Challenge in February 2012.
A great crowd enjoyed the fantastic performances given by all the finalists: Andrea Marr Band, Mr Black and Blues, Shaun Kirk, Dream Boogie, Wayne Jury and Rory Millar and Stevie Paige and Anthony "Tok" Norris. 2nd place went to Andrea Marr Band, with Shaun Kirk taking out 3rd place.
The MBAS Committee was delighted with the number and quality of entrants this year (12) and thanks them for making this year’s competition such an exciting one.
MBAS would also like to thank the following people and organisations for helping to make the competition so successful: the 11 judges (heats and final); staff at the Royal Standard and GH Hotels; Neil Wedd (GH Booker), Bill, Tim and Rob on sound; Des Kennedy (photographer); our major sponsors – PBS 106.7 FM, The Blues Train and Bendigo Bank; The Blues Train, Prince Albert Hotel and Black Market Music (donated raffle prizes) - and all of the people who came along to support the acts at the heats and final.
Dream Boogie will perform in the Pelican Bar at Queenscliff Music Festival on Saturday 26th November, and there will be a Fundraiser Concert just before they depart for Memphis, Sunday 22nd January at the GH Hotel.