The future of free-to-air broadcasting is digital - but for community radio stations, that future is now at risk.
Community radio is a vital part of Australian broadcasting. It makes a significant contribution to media diversity, generates high levels of local content, and provides a unique range of services and programs.
A quarter of Australian radio listeners turn to community radio stations every week for services that include specialist music, Indigenous media, multicultural and ethnic language programs, religious, educational and youth services, print disability reading services, and community access programs.
With funding support from the Federal Government, the 37 metropolitan-wide community radio stations in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and Perth launched digital radio services in May 2011.
Now the future of community digital radio services is at risk.
In the 2012 budget the Government cut funding for community digital radio services by $1.4 million per annum, making it impossible to maintain all of the current services.
Unless the government commits the funding required for transmission of community digital radio services in the upcoming federal budget, the number of services will have to be substantially reduced. It’s expected that all community digital radio services in at least two of the capital cities would have to be shut down unless the funding shortfall is addressed.
Government policy and legislation provides access to digital radio broadcasting for community broadcasters. The community sector deserves affordable access to digital radio alongside the national and commercial broadcasting sectors, and the Australian community deserves access to community radio services on digital radio.
Community broadcasters are not-for-profit organisations and cannot afford to cover the cost of accessing digital radio transmission in this early stage of its development. Stations have already invested scarce resources to develop and support the production of program content for their new digital radio services.
It is vitally important for the future of community broadcasting that it maintains, secures and develops its foothold in the digital broadcasting landscape.
The Government must commit the necessary funding to ensure that community radio has a digital future.
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