The 2013 election is just around the corner and now is the time to tell politicians about the importance of PBS and other community broadcasters. To date, two political parties have outlined their positions, but we need all parties to commit.
The sector is calling for additional Federal Government funding for regional, rural and remote station development, training, transmission and community television. Politicians will also be asked to continue to include community radio services in planning for digital radio services and to further support Indigenous broadcasting. We need your help to convince politicians to commit to community broadcasting.
Community broadcasting is an essential part of the Australian media landscape. It makes a significant contribution to media diversity, generates high levels of local content, and provides a unique range of services and programs. For local communities right across the country, community radio and TV stations are vital.
Take two minutes to tell your local candidate to Commit to Community Broadcasting – go to:
PBS – we’re independent and we're all about the music