by C.W. Stoneking
If you fell in love with C.W. Stoneking’s swampy blues on his last album Jungle Blues (2008), then you’re going to love Gon’ Boogaloo. In fact it’s been six years since Jungle Blues, his last full-length album (with a vinyl-only 45 release in 2012), and he’s certainly returned to recording with his signature hokum-swampy Delta blues style. Rather than sounding like more of the same, Gon’ Boogaloo showcases Stoneking’s talent for storytelling through simple songs which never get tired. It’s also a great introduction to a dirty blues genre, and tracks like 'We Gon’ Boogaloo' make you want to dance like you’re at an old-time music hall on a Saturday night. Backing vocals from Vika and Linda Bull gives songs like 'Tomorrow Gon’ Be Too Late' and 'Good Luck Charm' an almost 1950s doo-wop feel which act as a surprising and welcome contrast to his gravelly blues sound. The album is full of great songs, but the one to listen out for is 'The Thing I Done' – it's a cracker! I’m very happy that C.W. Stoneking is back in the recording studio, keeping this incredible blues sound alive.
by Cat - The Breakfast Spread
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