Following 30/70's head knodding, lo-fi, boom-bap full-length debut which sold out nationally, souled out the Gasometer hotel and made its way to the UK, USA, MEXICO and JAPAN, Melbourne's original beat diciples will be hitting the streets again with a brand new pressing of COLD RADISH COMA.
Released on MOONTOWN RECORDS, COLD RADISH COMA is a gritty, streetwise journey. Delivering 30/70's signature hypnotic groove panorama drenched in love, weed, meditation, and spirituality.
With the addition of the ineffable Allysha Joy and her soul sisters, 30/70 is the soundtrack to your cosmic dreams, nights of desire in the dank deliquem.
Listen back to Black Wax with Adam Rudegeair, for a live set from 30/70.