In the next edition of PBS' monthly film series, Stryka D and Mohair Slim present a free screening of Duke Vin and the Birth of Ska at The Spotted Mallard.
The night includes a Q&A session with director Gus Berger, and the screening of a short film about Stryka D and Melbourne's sound-system culture to start the night. This comes in the lead-up to August's sound-system special edition of Jamaica Jump-Up, with Stryka D's Heartical Hi-Powa system set to shake the dance-floor.
Here's a bit of info about the film: Duke Vin and Count Suckle arrived in the UK in 1954 and Duke Vin would soon set up the first sound system in the UK. They brought with them a sound that was sweeping across Jamaica and would later change the face of music in the UK. This was the sound of Ska!
The short film starts at 7:30pm, Q+A at 7:45pm and the feature screening starts at 8:15pm. The Spotted Mallard makes great food, and opens from 4pm, so why not get down early for some dinner and a few drinks in the lead-up?
The screening is FREE entry for all, and PBS members receive a free pot of Thunder Road beer or glass of Cake wine on entry! Members also receive a 10% discount on food and drinks all night, so don't forget your membership card.
Bookings and table reservations are essential. Click here to head to Moshtix and secure your tickets, and also email to reserve a table. Include the following in the email:
Name for booking:
Number of people attending in your group:
Time of arrival:
Dinner/Snacks: Yes or No??
Mallard Movies continues throughout 2016, with screenings on the last Wednesday of each month.
Email if you'd like to receive information about all upcoming Mallard Movies.
PBS' Stryka D and Mohair Slim present Duke Vin and the Birth of Ska on Wednesday 27 July at The Spotted Mallard, 314 Sydney Road, Brunswick. Short film starts at 7:30pm, Q+A with Gus Berger (director) at 7:45pm and the screening starts at 8:15pm. Screening time 55 mins approx.
Ticket bookings and table reservations through Moshtix.