Tune into The Breakfast Spread Wednesday September 26 for State of the Art with recorder virtuoso, Genevieve Lacey, chatting about her upcoming performance in One Infinity for Melbourne International Arts Festival.
When Lacey spent time with guqin master Wang Peng at Jun Tian Fang — specialist in the ancient Chinese instrument — neither knew the extraordinary fruit that would flower from their collaboration. Now these unique talents have added director and choreographer Gideon Obarzanek and composer Max de Wardener who together have fashioned a transformative immersion in music and dance.
Masterful choreography and everyday movement, ritual and improvisation, nature and civilisation are all driven into a state of flux in this hypnotic experience. Patterns emerge as sound and music become echoes of one another, while the bodies of the audience themselves become implicit in the dance.
One Infinity opens Saturday October 6 and runs through until Sunday October 21. Head to the Melbourne International Arts Festival website HERE for tickets and performance details.