PBS was built by members, and continues to function because of them! Some members have great stories about how they first became involved with the station, and we couldn't help but share them with you.
For our second Member Spotlight we chat to Friend for Life member, tattoo artist and owner for nearly 22 years of Chapel Tattoo, Jane Laver.
What is your first memory of PBS?
My Dad listening to the Jazz Show with Marc Gunn and driving with him to the station to subscribe - maybe it was 1983/4? I remember going to the station again when I was 16 to subscribe - in my school uniform, no less - so embarrassing. But I thought it was the coolest place ever. I loved Kevin and Phil, there was a girl called Janis that did a punk show, and Rodney Shah also did some great shows then. Dominic Molomby's show was also great. I worked at the station as Co-Promotions Manager from the age of 20 to 23 when Mazz Knott was there, and I have a million memories from then. It was a crazy but vital time at the station, there were so many interesting personalities who volunteered there. Albeit it was a really hard job at times - my life became abundantly richer for the experience and my time there profoundly affected the person who I am today.
Why did you decide to become a Friend for Life member?
I don't want this station ever to go off the air. It has helped shaped Melbourne. For it's size, Melbourne is one of the most culturally and musically aware cities in the world and there is nothing like PBS in the world. College radio has similarities but PBS is unique. Commercial radio is unlistenable.
What is your favourite show and why?
Now I have a few favourites - Kevin and Phil still play great music, but I love Vince Peach, Emma Peel, Ports Of Paradise, Richie 1250, Mohair Slim does a great show, Twistin' Fever is great. I could do with a bit more garage punk. I feel that some of the best shows were City Slang that Kim Walvisch finished up with a couple of years ago, and Beat Orgy with Steve Cross. I cried on Kim's last show. I felt that an important part of my young adulthood had just gone. (I don't mean to make you feel bad Kim, I know the commute was hell). But there are many great shows that help the station maintain an on-air difference and integrity.
If you'd like to find out more about becoming a PBS member or Friend For Life, visit this link, or give us a call on 8415 1067.