We are BIG fans of our members- they were there at the beginning, and are what keeps our station running today. Some of them have some pretty interesting stories about how they came to be involved with PBS, and we thought you might like to hear them!
This time we had a chat to singer, songwriter and guitarist from outfits such as Harmony, The Nation Blue and Pale Heads- Tom Lyngcoln about how he came to be a PBS Performer Member.
What are some of your best PBS memories?
There’s a lot! I have a long commute home so PBS have played a big part in those journeys. I would have to say that my daughters first ever show at 6 months old was a Drive Live performance where we got to watch Deep Heat and Deaf Wish before she pulled the plug. Solid start!
What made you decide to become a PBS Performer member?
As a performer of underground music who has no interest in changing my approach, community radio is really the only format that supports me and therefore it is important that I support it too.
How has PBS shaped your music making?
Directly. I was unemployed and driving around to different worksites trying to find work. On those journeys I would listen to a mixtape made by Richie 1250. The tape was titled Harmony and that’s what I decided to call my new band. Many of the songs on that tape informed the parameters of the band.
What is your favourite show and why?
In keeping with the above I will go with Stone Love. Richie rarely repeats himself and has been on a deep dive for obscurities for years. Committed programming!
If you're interested in becoming a Performer Member, February is the best time to join our family! You could be the lucky winner of a massive prize pack including 100 x 7' vinyl pressings by Zenith Records, $1000 of CD duplication from Implant, a film clip to the value of $2,500 from Trade Creative and MORE! Click linkhere to find out more.