This is an extract from the PBS Policy and Procedure document.
3.1 Introduction
PBS is small business which falls outside the requirements of the Privacy Act, and therefore is not required to comply with this legislation. Nevertheless, PBS is committed to the principles of the Privacy Act and in protecting its stakeholders’ privacy.
3.2 Privacy
3.2.1 PBS is committed to protecting the personal information it holds, particularly in its collection, use and disclosure.
3.2.2 PBS collects personal information (such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, credit card details) for the purpose of providing services or products, for example, to:
- enable people to subscribe as members / subscribers to the station, purchase products offered by the station (e.g. t-shirts, event tickets) and otherwise make use of the products and services offered;
- verify member / subscriber identity and details;
- fulfil members’ / subscribers’ and other customers’ orders and sending the purchases to them; operate, manage and improve the services PBS provides (including charging and payment);
- send future members/ subscribers, current members / subscribers and other customers information on forthcoming events, fundraising activities and events, products PBS supplies, competitions and promotions;
- send Announcers and volunteers information relevant to the operation and management of PBS.
3.2.3 The personal information of current members/ subscribers, future members / subscribers, customers, volunteers, Announcers and staff must be securely stored.
3.2.4 PBS staff may only access personal information of other staff, current members / subscribers, future members / subscribers, customers, volunteers or Announcers where it is required in order to carry out their duties.
3.2.5 Announcers and volunteers may only access personal information of Announcers, volunteers, staff, current members / subscribers, future members / subscribers or customers where they are authorised to undertake on behalf of PBS an activity consistent with the provision of services and products outlined above.
3.2.6 Privacy must be observed in any content broadcast by PBS personnel, particularly the unauthorised disclosure of personal information. When broadcasting member / subscriber names, Announcers may state members’ full name and suburb unless the person specifies non-disclosure.
3.2.7 PBS communications should include information about how to opt out of future communications.