Tune in every weekday morning to PBS to hear the most eclectic and diverse range of music programming available anywhere in the known universe.

Milo Eastwood and Claire Dickson present the Breakfast Spread with a mix of PBS regulars, special guests and some of Australia’s leading musicians. Tune in every morning to hear an eclectic selection of styles, sounds and genres to keep you company as you stumble out of bed, head off to work, pack the kids' lunches or arrive home after the night shift.

Pop the coffee pot on, and settle in for The Breakfast Spread every Monday to Friday from 6am – 9am on PBS 106.7FM or streaming at pbsfm.org.au


Fri 19 Mar 2021

PBS revisits Studio 5 Live sessions with a return to past broadcasts. Tune in to The Breakfast Spread on Friday March 19 as we rewind back to NO ZU's Studio 5 Live session.

PBS Performer Drive 2021
Mon 1 Feb 2021 to Sun 28 Feb 2021

Join or renew as a Performer member during the month of February and you will go into the draw to win one of three amazing prize packs! 

Solo artist, in a band, DJ or producer? All performers are welcome. Membership is only $120 for the year and you will have your performer name read out weekly on your favourite show. And a membership is even cheaper when it's shared between band mates! 

Mon 11 Jan 2021 to Mon 18 Jan 2021

As PBS staff return from their little summer break, they have wasted no time in putting together a list of fabulous hip-shaking and brain-tickling new releases.

Mon 9 Nov 2020 to Sun 15 Nov 2020

Check out this week's feature album and all the other latest releases we're loving. 

Fri 6 Nov 2020

Thank you to everyone who signed up or renewed their membership during October. 

Congratulations to the winners and thank you to our generous prize donors!

Wed 4 Nov 2020

Tune in for State of The Art every Wednesday morning from 8am on The Breakfast Spread for the latest arts news. 

Wed 28 Oct 2020

Tune in for State of The Art every Wednesday morning from 8am on The Breakfast Spread for the latest arts news. 

Wed 30 Sep 2020

Tune in for State of The Art every Wednesday morning from 8am on The Breakfast Spread for the latest arts news. 

Mon 10 Aug 2020

A new PBS app for iPhone and iPad that let's you listen to all of your favourite shows, and keep up with PBS news.

Wed 5 Aug 2020

Tune in for State of the Art every Wednesday morning from 8.30am on The Breakfast Spread for the latest arts news.