Cobra Snake Necktie/Love & Theft are proud to announce the debut album from heavy pop troubadours Closet Straights (formerly known as Alex & the Shy Lashlies). Comprising of members of Loose Tooth, Bad Family and Pure Moods, this young, scrappy team of talented pop legends from Melbourne are consummately anchored by frontman Alex Lashlie’s affable vocals and easy- going compositions.
Musically, Closet Straights cover a bit of ground, from the far out regions of The Velvet Underground’s Loaded era jangle-pop to the vast plains of true-country ramblers. Nonetheless, this record is melded together in a nonchalant, warm fashion that ensures these songs swim around your head for a long time to come.
Recent singles Zadie and Eight Days, offered a taste of a sensitive reflections of Lashlie’s songwriting nouse, sympathetically sweetened by the band’s rhythm section and Etta Curry’s bouyant backing vocals. Both singles were very warmly received, quickly becoming staples on community radio stations RRR and PBS.
Closet Straights was recorded at A Secret Location studios alongside acclaimed engineer Nick Treweek and producer John Guscott (Wagons).
New single Apologise sees Closet Straights at their most driving and contentious – and this is the rub – even at the band’s most lyrically unsympathetic (don’t bring me into this / I’m over the games and I’m sick to death of lies, time flies…), they’re still breezily good-natured in a way that leaves the listener feeling upbeat.
Closet Straights was released via Cobra Snake Necktie/Love & Theft on Friday 12th August and launching Monday 5th September at the Northcote Social Club’s Monday Night Mass, supported by Baptism Of Uzi, Truly Holy and Bitch Diesel.
Listen back to Homebrew for a live set from Closet Straights. Studio 5 Live is proudly brought to you by PBS.